Columbia House Healing Garden - Invermere, BC

Thank you for your Generous Contributions

Nora Efford and Bill Croft, Helga Boker, Chris Mazurewich, Deb Austin, Barbie Kalmakoff, Kerry Colonna, Darla Spiry, Russell East, Vivian Bond, John and Betty Newton, Bill and Debbie Bonner, Don and Rebecca Miller, Carol Huyghe, Interior Health, Norbert Fisher, Copper Point See you Wed Group, Home Hardware Ladies Night, Barb Vinson, Old Silver Tips, Stephanie Healy, Aaron and Linda Bradshaw, Kyla Gent, Thyme for Garden Club, Hybrid Landscaping, Doug McRobbie, Bill Mac Donald, The Columbia Valley Pioneer, East Kootenay Foundation for Health, Lynda Tutty, Johana Roggeman, Hola Media, James Ripley and Diane Jones, Dakota College, Lynn Pedrick, Heather Graham, Marilyn and Trevor, Thomas and Ann Downey, Brady Starr, Louis Riel High School, Nancy and Sandy Mutchmore, Jeff and Carolyn Poole, Mr Hugh Osler, Randy and Diane Fleming, Patricia Phelps, David and Lori Bacon, Larry and Donna Swonek, Ronald and Sylvia McIntosh, Tom and Midge Fowler, Joanne and William Dickie, Old Silvertips Hockey Club, Catherine Fero, Sandra and David Coulthard, Ms Marlene Bimler, Ivy Tucker, Jane and Peter Lustenberger, Larch Point Community Association, Mrs Georgina and Gerald Baresco, Linda MacNamara, Pat Young, Margaret and Robert Smith, William Mary Christie, Boys and Girls Club, Brownstone Asset Management, Stanley and Shirley Wieler, Joy Bond, Gerry O’Brien, Barb Vinson, Douglas & Marina Trask, Margaret Crawford, Johanna Zorbriggen, Don Miller, Merlin and Sonia Velker, Susan and Robert Webster, Sheila I Bonny, Heather D Bilodeau, Janessa S Williams, Sara Shaak, Crystal Horne, Carla-Jo Christie, Margaret Berry, Judy and Paul Roggeman, Bob Piche, Fairmont Lions Club.

Support the Healing Garden

Long term care does not have to be devoid of colour and joy. The Healing Garden is a place for Columbia House residents to spend time with their family, friends or volunteer visitors.

Our Supporters

Columbia Valley Pioneer
Columbia Basin Trust
Valley Foundation
Panorama Mountain Resort
Max Helmer Construction
Fairmont Lions Club
Kinsmen Club
Invermere Auxillary
Interior Health
Hybrid Landscapes
Home Hardware
Hola Media
East Kootenay Foundation for Health
Columbia Valley Chanber of Commerce
Cycling Without Age
Copper Point Golf Club
Collective Carpentry
Columbia House Healing Garden - Invermere, BC

Help us maintain the Garden