No one wants to take up residence in a nursing home. It is seen as the last stop. It is, after all, institutional care. Columbia House Enhancement Society’s proposed Healing Garden is meant to change the paradigm regarding long term care to one of greater warmth and compassion, at least for the summer months. We enjoy a long spring, summer and fall in this valley.
The garden, which is contiguous with Columbia House, is an easily accessed and desirable destination, a place to explore, stimulate the senses and relax. It will be functional and therapeutic, as well as stunningly beautiful.
The goal is to get all residents outside for one hour per day to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. The Healing Garden is for everybody-residents, families, staff and the community at large.
Interior Health supported our vision and plan to convert 2 acres of land to a Healing Garden. The Healing Garden has now become a beautiful reality thanks to our generous donors.
Would you help us maintain and grow the garden?